
Some Tears...

   Today I saw the skinniest dog I have ever seen in my life. I have seen some dogs in the past couple of months that are malnourished looking, but the dog I saw today was the sickliest I have seen by far. She was all skin and bones. I had decided to go to a little take-away store in my village to get something for lunch today because the stash of non-perishable foods I've been keeping in the room I'm staying in has diminished. I was sitting outside on a rock eating when I saw this dog from a distance. I started to tear up immediately because it looked so unhealthy and miserable. I tried to call the dog over to me to give it some of my food, but it was skittish and started to cower and  walk away. I tossed some food toward her, and she nervously approached the food and ate it. I continued to toss food toward the dog until about half of my lunch was gone.Not once did the dog approach me and try grab the food. She stayed several feet away from me the entire time. I know some people would call me ridiculous for giving half of my lunch to a stray dog and for getting so emotional over this. I know that this is not the only sickly animal or sad thing I will see here. I don't think that means that I have to stop caring or that I will ever get used to that though. I don't think I want to get used to that.

1 comment:

  1. Send him over here! I know some people (me including) who would take care of this sick dog.
