

   In one week I will be moving to my site. It is been difficult to focus the past few days. Today we had our final PST LPI (language test), and I was slightly nervous about it. However, today I also got the best care package ever from my family. Personally, the past few days had been a bit difficult for me, and I couldn't have asked for better timing to get this package.  I had only asked my parents to send me wasabi peas and dried fruit. They not only sent me those things, but they also sent me nail polish, sun glasses, tissues, large amounts of hand sanitizer and wet wipes, clothing, pretzels, nuts, and even a DvD of "Glee" music videos ( judge me all you want for that one, but "Glee" is amazing). Not only does my family send me things that remind me of home and make me happy, they also call me each week. My friends send me emails and letters, and are always reminding me that they are still thinking of me. All of them give me constant support no matter what is going on in my life, and I can't thank them enough. I'm a very lucky woman. That is all I have to say right now.

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