
Strikes and Civil Unrest

   For the past 5 weeks there has been a strike going on in Botswana. For the most part it has been non-violent, but in the past couple of days there has been some rioting in larger towns and villages. Started today all of the schools are closed until further notice. I'm safe where I am staying, but unfortunately this means that my site visit, which was supposed to begin tomorrow, is postponed.  We are all pretty disappointed because we have been getting pumped for the past few days, and now instead we will be sitting in trainings all day long. I feel lucky that I feel safe in Kanye and that there hasn't been anything violent happening here though, and I hope that things improve in the larger villages and towns soon.

Here is an article about the strike/ school situation



  1. This will hopefully settle down! and you will go on to your new site in Werda. Keep safe and continue to be aware of the situation. I am sure this will work out.
    Love ya

  2. Stay safe but don't worry. It will all work out. And I'm excited for you to get to your site- it sounds great! I guess I never realized that your host family doesn't have running water or electricity. What a change!
