
Site Placement!

   Yesterday was site placement day! I found out that I'm going to Werda, which is on the South African border in the Kgalagadi District! It has a population of a little over 2,000. I had asked to be placed in the southern region of the country so I'm grateful that was able to happen. I wasn't expecting to be quite so far south, but I think I will be alright there. I will be within a couple of hours from a couple of volunteers in my training group and a couple of hours away from a current volunteer in that district. It also seems like it isn't that difficult to be able to hitch or access a bus to get to Gaborone, which I've been told is about a 4 hour long trip, and several people I've become friends with in my training group are going to be in that area. Also, a bunch of us are talking about going to South Africa in January sometime, and I'm close enough to border that it will be a little easier for me. It is going to be a very happy New Year's/ birthday time for me!
    I'm going to be working at a clinic, which is something that I'm excited about, and I hope to get involved in working at a school as well as just working with youth in my community in general. I'm replacing a volunteer who is completing his service soon and lives in government housing with electricity and running water, and it sounds as though I will be getting that house, which is also a major plus! I've been living in a home stay without those things so a toilet and way to charge my phone/ computer at home is kind of a big deal to me right now. I had told the PC I was flexible about this so I was half expecting to end up without electricity or running water so it is a pleasant surprise to find out that I most likely will have both ( as long as they don't suddenly change the housing).  I will be visiting my site this week for a few days so I will get the chance to find out more then.
 I'm both nervous and excited about  all of this!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great site placement. This will be a another awesome chapter in your PC experience. I would love to come and volunteer as a PA/healthcare worker, maybe next spring?
    Love ya
