
Diversity Day and PSDN

   I'm now a member of the Peer Support and Diversity Network (PSDN) of PCVs here. Another member of PSDN and I organized and co-facilitated Diversity Day for the new group  of volunteers, Bots12, last weekend. We organized a panel including 6 volunteers in addition to ourselves, and we discussed different diversity related situations that we've dealt with here. The day didn't go as planned because of some problems that came up last minute that were out of our control and that was disappointing  because we had put a lot of work into planning the day (that is an entirely other story itself), but the new group of volunteers are really great. It was nice getting to know them, and we did get to stay and spend time talking about diversity with them after the training for  a bit. The other panel participants were also great, and I'm very grateful to have been able to work with my co-facilitator and them.  It felt sort of surreal at first being at PST because the past year since I was in training has gone by so fast! I feel sort of like a high school or college senior. I know that sounds weird, but what I mean by that  is that it is a good feeling be able to be there for support for the new group because I know what it is like.  I'm glad to have made it the year and to be a member of PSDN. 

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