A few days ago I wrote about how quickly time seems to be passing. That was a few days ago. For the past couple of days it feels like I have been here for an eternity. I'm missing my family and friends at home, my dogs, my hometown, and America. I want nothing more in this moment to hug my parents and little brother and sit and eat a meal with them. I can't believe it has been over 14 months since I have seen them. I'm cold, sad, and I want a hug.
The main reason why I'm choosing to write about this is that it is a good example of the PC roller coaster. A few days ago I felt great and was experiencing one of my highest moments here. Now, in this moment, I'm dealing with one of my lowest. It is just the way PC service works. I've been here at this point before though, and I know I'll get through it. My work here is not done. I'll bundle up and deal with another freezing winter, sweat through another summer, ride many more crowded buses, experience more laughter and more tears, hang out with more funny/adorable children, and make many more memories.
*Giant Deep Breath*
e-hug from across the miles<3